Monday, October 27, 2008

Spinach Ricotta Gnocchi

This was my dinner tonight. And it was so good. I have Cristina to thank for this dish.

Here's a very abridged recipe:

Two 10oz packages of frozen spinach
Defrost spinach
2 tbsp of butter in pan
Medium heat
2 tbsp of chopped onion
Let turn golden
Throw in spinach and saute for 4 minutes or so
Transfer to mixing bowl
Add 1.5 cups ricotta
Add 1 1/3 cup flour
4 egg yolks
2 cups parmesan cheese
Grated nutmeg

Make the little gnocchis
Boil until they float
Put in buttered baking dish
Sprinkle with parmesan
375 for 5-10 minutes


The sauce is explained in another post.


c-licious said...

I have tasted this and it is a delight indeed...a parent pleaser, a crowd pleaser, and an aphrodisiac (that part is not intended for the parents or the crowds).

claire said...

You made this for your parents?

c-licious said...

Not only did I make this for my parents, but we then made it together to bring to a family gathering. Also, Andrew made it as a special meal for his mom!