I'm hanging back east for a few days on a friend's farm in Damascus, population circa 56. Despite its serious small townness, the area is know for its Butter Tart Trail - farm gate stores throughout the area that sell fresh goat cheese, spinach, farm puppies (not the edible kind) and yes, butter tarts!
And of course, the area also comes with dear friends who love food too. This one is thanks to my friend Christina, who stole the recipe from Terroni in Toronto. Seriously delicious.
You'll need:
olive oil
oyster mushrooms
bread crumbs
oil & balsamic vinegar vinaigrette.
Toss the oyster mushrooms in olive oil, then in equal parts bread crumbs & parmesan. Throw them in the oven and bake at 425 F until they start to get golden, about 10 to 15 minutes. Meantime, toss the arugula in vinaigrette. Take out the mushrooms, throw on the salad still warm and serve. Yum!